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Personal Directives
& Funeral Plans

Let The GRIEF Plan help you with crucial decision making by supplying information about personal directives and funeral planning. You'll be glad you tackled these important matters.

Personal Directive

A personal directive will make your wishes known when you are conscious and aware of your surroundings but otherwise incapacitated and unable to communicate. A living will is for when you are unconscious, in a coma, or otherwise unable to make any decisions. A personal directive can be as simple or as complicated as you make it and deals solely with your health care.

Power of Attorney

This is a signed and witnessed document that gives someone else the right, while you are still alive, to act on your behalf in your financial affairs. They'll pay your bills, makes deposits, collect monies owed to you, and even sell property. A power of attorney does not concern your health care that is done through a personal directive.


A power of attorney may represent you in business and financial affairs while another type, known as an enduring power of attorney may do these things after you have lost your mental capacities. Neither type of power of attorney is valid after death when all responsibility shifts to the executor or executrix named in your will.

Funeral Plans

Ease the strain on family members who must plan your funeral, with a prearranged service. Making your funeral plans will take away much of the stress your executor and family have to deal with. This is such an important decision to make, so give it a lot of thought. It should be your decision alone to make. You can also prepay for your services, leaving your family no large decision or financial outlays. And if there are family plots involved, you can be sure you'll be resting with loved ones.

End-of-Life Options

Learn more about End-of-Life Options. This brochure supplies important information.